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Mrs. Lisa Salgado
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How To Set a Volleyball-CA Standards: Manipulative Skills
Added Apr 25, 2019
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what's up YouTube this goes down with Elevate yourself. Org in this video will talk about setting fundamentals and this video was suggested by Dairy Burton but thank you so much for the video suggestion the first thing we'll talk about is sitting posture and what to do with your feet we talk about your hands resetting posture you want to have your feet shoulder-width apart with your right foot in front if you want to pretend that you're making a square with the heel of your left foot and the toe of your right foot so if you were to Mark the corners that should be square with a they want to bring this lady so you can be an athletic stance the reason why you want to have your right foot forward when you're setting is at the set happens to be tight and here's the net and asset happens to be tight if my right foot is facing forward I will be turning and facing bored people to set if the top is too tight where is if I have my left foot forward and it happened to turn when my body is facing which is my left before I'll be turning toward the opponent and risk setting the ball over last when it's very important to start with your wife for fun after you get your feet set in your body in a sitting posture then you want to keep it has at your waist and you would appreciate the ball at your waist and move with your hands down call mistake officers make us that they run to the ball with their hands up and they try to move and find the ball and their arms and slowing them down and also throwing their accuracy it's a lot faster and more efficient if you moved to the ball with their hands down first then once you please set that you put your hands up I will talk about our sitting posture and moving your feet to the ball first we'll talk what to do with a hands next setting I like to talk about 3 shaping the ball first with your hands when I'm getting ready in that I try to touch my biceps with my thumbs and my index finger do you want to play some back I want to have this wrinkled at your wrist you don't want to set with your wrist straight you want to have your wrists Flex back so they're ready to explode into the ball power comes from three places in your body that comes from your legs elbows and your wrist when you extend all three of those body parts you exert power into the ball about 2 inches apart in general this is a triangular shape in everyone's has a different if you have small you probably want to have a wider apart if he has a bigger you want he has closer together was more important to have the space in between your has to be very even appreciate that you want to receive the ball on your hairline a hairline is where your hair starts above your forehead and that's where Johnny the ball should be received a couple inches away from your hairline once you receive the ball on your hairline you're going to extend through the ball I'm going to make a shape from triangle into a square shape and this is what it means to go from triangle to square the triangle is your starting shape and the square as your ending shape enough what makes a square Are Always setting through the ball so your wrist to be straight there should not be flexed out they should not be turning they should be sitting through the ball how to recover Sutton Foster and also what to do with your hands when you're about to set the ball you want to make sure you can do the movement without the ball first before you move on to Ashley setting with a ball there's a good exercise you can practice without a ball the four steps are open Square to into Triangle Square open stance means waiting for the pass while facing your pastors if you square up too early will not be able to receive balls behind you and you end up back peddling and moving to the ball and efficiently as the Baseline first so you know where the ball is going and then you can move your feet to the ball once you get your feet to the ball you would perform a movement called Square in a square knot means you're facing the outside hitter location with my feets waist shoulders and my hands the third step is 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 memes my thumbs and my index fingers are two inches apart and then by the time I put them on my hairline is 2 inches away from my hairline that's a general guideline and might be just like everyone but starting point in Triangle Square is how you're going to be generating power and accuracy through the ball you start with a triangular shape and then you finish off with a square shape in your hands this is what the exercise looks like on the net notice that when I'm screwing off I'm actually a popping into place while getting two and two at the same time I don't want to be as efficient as possible so once you get your feet to the Past you're going to pop and get you into all at once and then you're going to set when the ball gets to you once again is a four-step process open Square 2 and 2 Triangle Square the next step is to perform this movement with a ball and it's an exercise when I call slow setting in general when you stay in the four or the outside hitter set you want to finish with the hands 45 degrees away from your hairline if you're further away from the target then you have to finish flattered to get the ball all the way to the Target and generate more power and if I'm closer to the Target where the ball is passed to the left then I'm resetting more vertically and having less power because it takes less effort to get the ball to close the distance choose that when I'm setting on using my leg I'm jumping into the wall and even if your job setting you are after using little bit of leg moving so it's very important to transfer the power from your toes all the way through body extending through your elbows to the wrist and now flowing to the ball the first phase of this drill to practice is you can talk to yourself or you can have someone tossed for you so those are few of the setting drills that I recommend to help build your fundamentals and then becoming a good Setter and Trump's your footwork body positioning and also your release as a Setter watching this video if you would like me to be guarding volleyball athletic training for Fitness please leave your video suggestions in the comments below.
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