Holiday Spirit Week! Please join us in showing school spirit and participating in the festivities of the week leading up to Winter Break!
Don Night 12/13/23 Join us for an informative 8th-grade Future Don transition meeting! Let's discuss the exciting journey ahead as your child steps into high school.
Parent Math Academy Please join us to better understand the College Preparatory Math that we utilize to prepare our students for high school and life. Our math teachers will guide you through exercises to demonstrate a typical day in math classes at STEAM. Next Thursday, 9/14, at 6pm in the cafetorium here at STEAM Academy.
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser will start on 11/16 and end of 12/8. Check out the flyer for information on chocolate prices and prizes our top sellers can win!
Thanksgiving Break Friday, November 17th is modified day and students are dismissed at noon! School will be closed starting Monday, 11/20 to Friday, 11/24 for Thanksgiving Break. School will resume on Monday, 11/27.
Thanksgiving Spirit Week! Join us for Thanksgiving Spirit Week from Monday, November 13th to Friday, November 17th!
Veterans Day 2023 STEAM will be closed on Friday, November 10th in observance of Veterans Day and school will resume on Monday, November 13th. Thank you to all Veterans for your service!
Halloween Festival 2023 Our Halloween Festival will take place on Friday, October 27th from 10:30-12PM. This will also be a minimum day for students. We will have games, food, and a Halloween Costume contest!
Birney Tech Fall Festival & STEAM Mariachi Performance! Join us for a night of fun at Birney Tech's Fall Festival on Friday, October 27th from 4-8PM and cheer on our STEAM Mariachi as they perform!
Red Ribbon Week 2023 Join us in celebrating Red Ribbon Week and promoting a community who says NO to Drugs! Check out the flyer for our Spirit Week information!
Parent Conferences 2023 Please join us for Parent Conferences on Wednesday, October 25th. Check out the flyer for more information!
Breast Cancer Awareness Day 10/12 🎗️ October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🎗️ Join us on Thursday, October 12th, as we wear pink to show our support!
No School Monday, 10/2 There is no school for students on Monday, October 2nd. We will welcome back students on Tuesday, October 3rd.